Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tiramisu Talk

I capture pretty much every detail of my children's lives on film. I am not an anal person by nature, but I bore along with my kids an uncontrollable obsession to zoom in, focus, and click on the defining (and not so defining) moments of their existence.

What I am lacking in the realm of analdom, I make up for in the world of randomness. I have my share of quirks, and God sprinkles more than a heaping helping of random occurences into my daily life. When quirky and random collide, God's sense of humor becomes almost tangible to me and I feel an overwhelming urge to capture it in writing. I like to create a verbal snapshot, if you will, of all the things you would never believe could happen to one person.

I fell out of writing for a bit, but this official Blogger blog is my attempt to fall back in. And it was all inspired by a free piece of tiramisu I scored earlier today.

Now that I've sucked you in with my tease of lady fingers soaked in espresso, you'll have to wait until tomorrow to hear the story. I just wanted those who care to know that this blog is here.

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